Diversity Isn't A Codeword For Anti-White
2003-09-15 16:58:25 UTC
Dafydd Iwan, Cynog Dafis, Ieuan Wyn Jones, Rhodri Glyn Thomas???? Are those
names real or were they made up using some kind of bizarre anagram program?
names real or were they made up using some kind of bizarre anagram program?
Ieuan and Iwan for Plaid
Ieuan Wyn Jones has pulled off a remarkable comeback by becoming the
party's leader in theIeuan and Iwan for Plaid
Ieuan Wyn Jones has pulled off a remarkable comeback by becoming the
Welsh assembly, while folk singer Dafydd Iwan has been elected president.
Party vice-president Mr Iwan beat Cynog Dafis for the presidency by 2,980
votes 2,125.Party vice-president Mr Iwan beat Cynog Dafis for the presidency by 2,980
He will work with Mr Jones, who has made a dramatic return only four
months afterresigning the presidency following Plaid's poor performance in the
assembly election.Mr Jones used to perform the role of both president and group leader, but
the role wassplit after he stepped down.
Mr Jones, the assembly member for Ynys Mon, narrowly beat Helen Mary Jones
by 71 votes.Mr Jones, the assembly member for Ynys Mon, narrowly beat Helen Mary Jones
He won 2603 votes, against Helen Mary Jones' 2532.
A third candidate, Carmarthen East and Dinefwr AM Rhodri Glyn Thomas,
polled 1,014 in theA third candidate, Carmarthen East and Dinefwr AM Rhodri Glyn Thomas,
first round of votes, which were then transferred to the other candidates
on the basis ofthe voters' second preferences.
The search for candidates to fill the top jobs in Plaid Cymru began when
Ieuan Wyn JonesThe search for candidates to fill the top jobs in Plaid Cymru began when
stepped down in May.
Plaid had been reduced from 17 to 12 seats in the assembly, and Mr Jones
quit because hePlaid had been reduced from 17 to 12 seats in the assembly, and Mr Jones
said he could not continue without the support of the majority of his AMs.
Shortly afterwards, former AM and MP Cynog Dafis decided to stand for the
presidency, asShortly afterwards, former AM and MP Cynog Dafis decided to stand for the
did the party vice-president and folk singer Dafydd Iwan.
In a shock comeback, Ieuan Wyn Jones decided to stand for the leadership
of the party inIn a shock comeback, Ieuan Wyn Jones decided to stand for the leadership
the Welsh assembly, but faced competition from Assembly Members Helen Mary
Jones andRhodri Glyn Thomas.
According to the party's constitution, there can only be a separate leader
in the assemblyAccording to the party's constitution, there can only be a separate leader
if the party president comes from outside the assembly.
But as the only candidates to have declared themselves for the presidency
were fromBut as the only candidates to have declared themselves for the presidency
outside the assembly - the two roles were then split.
Steven X Brown
Steven X Brown