2003-07-15 23:39:40 UTC
On Tue, 15 Jul 2003 13:08:27 +0100, Robert Henderson
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Fans of devolution will be overjoyed to hear that today the Welsh
Assembly will spend more than ten hours debating where everyone shall
sit. Over 800 motions and amendments have been listed.
This has a serious side. The Welsh Assembly was designed as a "non-
confrontational" chamber with the Welsh members placed in an
indeterminate semicircle. This of course is utterly useless for debate
and psychologically uncomfortable . RH
Maybe, there are a few seats in the TV blind spot...Assembly will spend more than ten hours debating where everyone shall
sit. Over 800 motions and amendments have been listed.
This has a serious side. The Welsh Assembly was designed as a "non-
confrontational" chamber with the Welsh members placed in an
indeterminate semicircle. This of course is utterly useless for debate
and psychologically uncomfortable . RH
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