Post by Celtic KingThe idea of locals
being greedy for wanting more for their property is crass you say?
blame everyone except the seller! If the local does'nt sell
This is actually off the "Alas poor Rhodri" post by Sion(Alias
Llion)posted oct.16th.
Here we go again. Pseudo pseudo pseudo! Play the B-Side man!
Post by Celtic KingIt pretty well proves Sion is Llion,the incorrect "does'nt" is the
thing that caused him to be spotted when he was posting under the
Jimmy Daniels tag.
Relevance to post? Answer? None. Relevance whatsoever? Absolutely none. Why?
Because you have always hidden behind a pseudoneym. You've always been
spineless with your posts. The sheer cheek of highlighting someone else as
being alias this and alias that whilst himself being an alias merely adds to
the evidence that your type (Nationalist) will always be hypocrites.
Post by Celtic KingHis posts we peppered with does'nts and is'nt and so on.
What a weird thing,sure I change my posting tag on a regular
basis,usually because I work abroad so much that usually when I get
home i can't remember my old password!
Now he goes on about grammar, whilst he himself never leaves a space after
his comas. You realkly are a sad, envious and pathetic inbred twat CK.
Absolutely laughable!
Post by Celtic KingWhat I don't do is post in several names at once so that one identity
can bolster up weak arguments by the other one,or gang up on posters
in an apparent duo!!
When did anyone of your accused JD / Llion / and Sion share comments on any
thread? I can't see any. You are one LIAR as well as being a HYPOCRITE!
Post by Celtic KingI think Llion needs to get out more...maybe get a girlfriend,or some
real friends or something.
He has six children who all speak English for the sake of his local